On December 12, 2016, the first day that candidate petitions may be submitted, at the time the Shields Township office first opens, the START new political party submitted documentation for an entire slate of candidates for the April 4, 2017 election.

Allowing for the necessary delay and upon payment of a modest fee, photocopies of their filing may be acquired by anyone.  To facilitate review by interested parties, that documentation is posted here with two exceptions:  Mr. Helton provided additional documentation of qualification and the notarization of each petition page is not scanned.

Other candidates may file nomination petitions until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 19th at the Shields Township office and will also be posted here.


Don Russ, Township Clerk

Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois





Certificate of Officers Authorized to Fill Vacancies

in Nomination for a New Political Party


Teresa “Terry” Darraugh, Candidate for Supervisor

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interests  &p2


Scott J. Helton, Candidate for Assessor

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interesst  &p2

Certification of Qualification  &p2


Scott V. Anderson, Candidate for Highway Commissioner

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interests


Joy Gayter, Candidate for Clerk

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interests  &p2


Kathy Blahunka, Candidate for Trustee

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interests  &p2


William J. “Bill” Brown, Candidate for Trustee

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interests  &p2


Matt Garrity, Candidate for Trustee

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interests  &p2


Kristin Strom, Candidate for Trustee

Statement of Candidacy, New Political Party

Statement of Economic Interests  &p2


Petition for Nomination to Form a New Political Party

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Update, Friday, December 30, 2016

Nominations have closed. I received the nomination of one candidate for each of the eight Shields Township elective offices. The subsequent period for asserting objections to the petitions has closed. Few people asked me to see the nomination documentation and were satisfied by this website. No objections were made. Accordingly, I have certified the eight candidates to the County Clerk and the three-page certification follows.

All eight candidates have associated themselves with the START political party. As a matter of historical context, and without any other specific purpose, I further append certain links.

















Sept 30, 2016  The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform reports public information related to START







Sept 30, 2016  START financing reports to the Illinois State Board of Elections from July 1, 2013 through September 30, 2016








April 11, 2013  Tribune reports election results

“Cynthia Maloney and the Shields Township Active Reform Team ran on a platform of smaller government, with reducing costs and lowering taxes as their top priorities.

“It was a platform Maloney said she believes strongly resonated with voters. And after Tuesday's election, her claim is hard to dispute.

“Led by Maloney, a political newcomer who—according to unofficial vote totals—nudged past incumbent Gale Strenger Wayne in the township supervisor race, START candidates claimed six of eight contested seats in a near sweep.

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/images/pixel.gif”The party's agenda perhaps is most notable for is fiscal conservatism. Maloney, a local Realtor and Lake Forest resident, said she aims to reduce the township's budget once she takes office in May.

"’Anything we can do to ease the tax burden is a step in the right direction,’ she said.

“In recent years, START led the charge to eliminate salaries for trustees and cut other elected officials' compensation by 55 percent.

“The April 9 election marked the first time START has won the supervisor race in the party's eight-year history. It competed for the position — but ultimately lost — in each of the two previous elections.

“With all precincts reporting, Maloney won 50.5 percent of the vote to Wayne's 49.5 percent, according to the unofficial results. Wayne conceded to Maloney Wednesday afternoon.

“Anderson defeated his Unified Shields Party opponent, Dan Rodgers, by nearly 10 percentage points — 54.7 to 45.3 percent — in the highway commissioner race.Rogers, a Knollwood resident, previously served as the township's highway commissioner from 2001 to 2005.

“START candidates also declared victory in the races for township clerk and assessor. But the party was unable to carry all four open trustee seats, splitting them instead with two rival USP candidates.

http://articles.chicagotribune.com/images/pixel.gif”Lanelle Collins, a START candidate from North Chicago, claimed victory in the township clerk race against Caroline Harrington, a USP candidate from the same city. Collins won 52.6 percent of the vote while Harrington won 47.4 percent.

“Kathy Blahunka, a START candidate from Lake Bluff, edged past Trish Lenzini, a USP candidate from the same village, in the township assessor race. The unofficial results showed Blahunka with 51.3 percent of the vote, less than 3 percentage points ahead of Lenzini's 48.7 percent.

“Laura Carney of Lake Bluff and Bill Brown of Lake Forest, both START candidates, led the township trustee race. Carney won 13.7 percent of the vote while Brown won 13.2 percent. As a current board member, Carney was the only trustee candidate running for a second term.

“Two USP candidates came in third and fourth, claiming the last two trustee seats. Richard Goshgarian and Heather Kerr both received close to 12.9 percent of the vote. Both live in Knollwood.”






April 7, 2013 Curious letter by Jack Preschlack

“It has come to my attention that my name and that of fellow ex-Lake Forest Mayor Charley Clarke have been listed as endorsers of the Unified Shields Party slate of candidates in the forthcoming Shields Township election on that party’s mailers, brochures and on its web site. Charley and I have not endorsed the Unified Party slate for Shields Township.

“In fact, we are supportive of the goals and record of the Shields Township Active Reform Team. This may have been an honest misunderstanding as we did say we were initially supportive of Heather Kerr, one of the Unified Party candidates. We very much regret any confusion this may have caused in the minds of the voters.”







March 17, 2013  letter by David Barkhausen

In the local government election on April 9th, voters will have a chance to reward and advance a remarkably successful example of government reform – accomplished by the trustees of the Shields Township Active Reform Team over the opposition of the incumbent supervisor, Gale Strenger Wayne.

Among many reforms, the Shields trustees, with whom I have served as clerk, have:

While not seeking re-election myself after eight years, I want to help assure the continued and greater success of this reform effort.

The election presents a stark choice between those who support these reforms (the eight candidates of the Shields Township Active Reform Team party – see attached pocket card) and those who have opposed them and want a more expansive and expensive township government (Gale Strenger Wayne, Dan Rogers, and their “Unified Shields Party” candidates).

For information about the Shields Reform Team candidates (including Cynthia Maloney for Supervisor, Kathy Blahunka for Assessor, and Scott Anderson for Highway Commissioner), the record of our incumbent trustees, and the Reform Team’s plans for the future, please also visit the campaign website: www.shieldstownshipreform.com.

These elections have been extremely close – decided in one case by 4 votes in 2005 and less than 20 votes in 2009. Please make sure you and all family members and friends vote to support this extremely rare example of government reform championed by the Shields Township Active Reform Team.

Information about In-Person Early Voting and Voting by Mail is at www.shieldstownshipreform.com, and an Application for a Mail-In Ballot is also attached to this message. Please forward it to family and friends who will need, or may prefer, to vote by this means.

You should have received a mailing recently asking for additional forms of help, and more information will be forthcoming. Please let me know if you will display a “Vote Shields Reform Team” yard sign.

Many thanks in advance for your interest and support. Your help in forwarding this message to others would be greatly appreciated.






March, 2013 Candidates Statements in the “Knollwood Neighbors” newletter:

“Knollwood residents have a unique interest and stake in Shields Township government, because residents depend on the Township’s Road District to maintain neighborhood roads. Where road maintenance is concerned, the Township is the equivalent of Knollwood’s municipal government.

“In two significant ways, all four of our trustees, including current Shields Reform Team candidates Scott Anderson and Laura Carney, have given full support to the Road District. Recognizing that the Road District’s resources are not adequate to fund all needed maintenance, the trustees have supported the maximum property tax levies for the Road District permitted by Illinois’ property tax cap law. In addition, they have voted to forgive the $155,000 loan from the Township’s general fund to the Road District approved by the prior Board, since the Road District would never be in a position to repay that loan without draining funds necessary for road maintenance.

“Highway Commissioner candidate, Scott Anderson, has unmatched credentials for this position. A local civil engineer with years of daily involvement with road maintenance and related drainage issues, Scott offers a unique professional perspective that will save the District engineering consulting fees and will provide creative solutions for the Road District. A very personable hard worker, he would be a great asset for the Road District and your residents.

“Our Reform Team is otherwise committed to the efficient administration of the other two core township functions - property tax assessment and general and food pantry assistance - and to protecting and advancing the reforms of our incumbent trustees in cutting the general fund property tax by 40%, ending grants of tax dollars to private charities, and reducing the compensation of elected officials by 55%.

“Further information about our eight candidates, our mission and platform will be forthcoming and is on our website, www.shieldstownshipreform.com. Thank you.”





Nov 22, 2012  Letter by Janice Schnobrich

“The majority of the Shields Township Board deserves praise for approving substantial reductions in salaries for elected officials and following through on their campaign promises of four years ago.

“At their monthly meeting last Thursday evening, the Board was faced with a deadline for setting salaries for Shields Township ’s elected officials for the next term of office beginning in May. Salaries must be set at least 180 days before the officials elected next April will take office in May.

“In their campaign four years ago, the independent candidates of the Shields Township Active Reform Team (START) group promised to reduce salaries of elected officials. Fortunately, their trustee candidates, as well as the highway commissioner and clerk candidates, prevailed in that election.

“A majority of the Board reduced the supervisor’s compensation of $70,000 plus health insurance and pension to $30,000 with no benefits based on their philosophy that the position should be part-time and to discourage the supervisor from seeking to expand township government into activities not mandated by state law.

“The highway commissioner’s salary was reduced to $30,000 from $52,000 based on the part-time nature of the position and the fact that there are only 9 miles of roads in the unincorporated areas of the Township.

“The assessor’s salary was reduced from $83,000 plus health insurance and pension to $50,000 with no benefits. This step was based on the current assessor’s lack of success in grooming a successor over the last eight years who is willing to run for the office and commit to holding it on a full-time basis. It is thought that one or more qualified individuals will be willing to seek election who will offer the necessary accountability and oversight of an efficient and professionally-run office without having to commit full time to the position.

“The clerk’s salary was reduced from $14,000 to $6,000, and the trustee’s compensation of $2,700 was eliminated.

“These reductions in salaries and benefits total approximately $150,000 and should enable the Board at its December meeting to reduce the Township’s property tax levy beyond the 30 percent reduction they have already approved during their term of office.

“It is refreshing to see a group of elected officials – the majority of the Shields Township trustees, Lynn Baehr, Laura Carney, and Scott Anderson – follow through on the START reform candidates’ promises of their 2009 campaign. They deserve special recognition and praise for doing so.”







July 7, 2009 

START financing reports to the Illinois State Board of Elections from January 1, 2008 through July 7, 2009





January 26, 2009

“David Barkhausen on Monday filed a petition seeking re-election to his office of Shields Township clerk, a surprise move from a candidate who previously announced he would run for township supervisor.  Five others filed petitions on Monday's deadline, representing the Shields Township Active Reform Team (or START), which will be listed under the "independent" label on the April ballot.

“Running with Mr. Barkhausen as START candidates are incumbent highway commissioner Bill Goodman and four trustee candidates: Cele Bull and Laura Carney of Lake Bluff; Lynn Baehr of Lake Forest; and Mary Woodson from North Chicago. Mr. Barkhausen said he made the switch to maximize his group's chances of electing its trustee candidates. ‘By not fielding our own candidate for supervisor, we can focus on re-electing Bill Goodman and electing our trustee candidates to set Township policy and control the budget and property tax levies,’ he explained. ‘This approach gives us the best chance of accomplishing our reform objectives by gaining strong support in all parts of our diverse township.’

“The START group promises to ‘reform the neglected backwater of Shields Township government,’ according to its web site. The group's basic premise is that property tax dollars collected by the township should not be used to fund private charities and college scholarships. It also proposes a re-adjustment of how property tax dollars are used to fund road maintenance in the township. Visit the START web page for further information on these positions.”






Copyright 2004:  “Township” by Michael D. Sublett on Page 333  “Party poopers”

“Beginning in 1997, a determined resident of Lake Bluff, often on her own, challenged the elected officials of Shields Township, especially the Supervisor, Charles B. Fitzgerald, IV.”

“Schnobrich has done what any Illinois citizen should do, in the interest of all: question the ways of governmental officials if something seems amiss, go publicin a reasonable manner with the findings, and seek a better alternative…”






April 3, 2013 (FaceBook, last update)  https://www.facebook.com/Shields-Township-Active-Reform-Team-361810040601891/






This domain, first claimed in June, 2008, belongs to David Barkhausen and (as of mid-December, 2016) is set to expire on June 16, 2017 – unless Mr. Barkhausen renews it.  The website is currently unused.









 Update, Tuesday, March 21st at 11:00 a.m.


I am Don Russ, Clerk of Shields Township.  I endorse Mrs. Terry Darraugh for Supervisor for two reasons:  (1) Terry would be great, and (2) Shields deserves better than Cynthia Maloney.


Mrs. Maloney, the incumbent Supervisor, is rarely in the office and, in my experience, does not return phone messages nor emails.  It is difficult to work with her.  Fortunately, the experienced office manager and the professional case worker are usually able to fill the leadership void.  Unfortunately, Mrs. Maloney’s occasional involvement is more hindrance than help.


This last week, Mrs. Maloney posted a half-year of minutes to the Shields website in anticipation of the LWV debate.  The seven-month void gave the impression that Shields might have something to hide.  (see screenshot at  http://pxxq.com/shields/minutes.html )  Not so.  The apparent secrecy simply reflects Mrs. Maloney’s careless approach.  I have always delivered minutes to her the same evening as the meeting.  She failed to include them on the next agenda for approval, and then failed to post the approved minutes to the website, causing confusion and difficulty for the office manager.


Anybody can say they “care” and she does seem to enjoy giving away the taxpayers’ money, but her arbitrary approach to general assistance causes confusion and difficulty for the case worker.


In fact, she has repeatedly transferred money to her General Assistance Fund without authorization from the Shields Board.  When this was faulted by the auditors, she dismissed it saying she only did it twice this year, which is “better” than previous years when she did it more frequently.  (see meeting video for August, 2016 at http://www.shieldstownship.com/ )  She seems oblivious that any misappropriation of funds is a serious breach of trust.


The START group slashed the Supervisor’s salary and she has not been shy about asking for a raise.  (see meeting video for October, 2016 at http://www.shieldstownship.com/ )  The START trustees denied her a raise.


There are many reasons the START group did not want her in their slate, selecting Terry Darraugh instead.  Mrs. Darraugh’s thoughtful, sensible, purposeful approach is plain to see in the debate.  (see March 19 video at http://lwv-lflb.org/ )  Mrs. Maloney can be seen interrupting Mrs. Darraugh twice during the questioning.  When Mrs. Darraugh was making her concluding remarks, Mrs. Maloney slaps the desk an rolls her head.  By contrast, Mrs. Darraugh maintained her poise and demonstrated a seriousness of purpose.


The only names listed on the ballot are those of the START slate, including Mrs. Terry Darraugh.  They are the only people to have been nominated by a public process.  (see:  http://pxxq.com/shields/ )  To ensure stability, efficiency and integrity at Shields Township, I recommend them.


Donald E. Russ, Shields Township Clerk








June 14, a postscript:

Those among us who ascend to elected office are trusted to make good decisions for the rest of us. That’s how this works. The way they get elected is sometimes messy politics, but that is the way this works too.

The high school district just to our west will see a board member go to jail tomorrow. And that’s how this works when you cheat.
